Synapses © Camille Ranson

PRAGUE / The programmation of the Ninth school 1/3

Ninth School, Prague

The Pavilion of the Ninth School is a place of experimentation. It possesses a brain "a space for record keeping and executive function, and an intestine, “the second brain”, a space for sensory comprehension and sensitive perception.
It also possesses a heart: the programming, whose form is as polymorphous as the daily renewed activities that the pavilion houses. First part

The Ninth School was born from questions about the forms of learning in general, and learning of scenography in particular. It is penetrated by questions and doubts. "Can we not invent a school with no fixed space, without the need to define itself and delineate its territory, but one that only works when in motion? A school of mobility, that moves and is constantly allowed to shift.

At the center of the Ninth School and its promotion number zero, who is attempting to invent and practice new forms of teaching freed from spatial limits and outdated institutional conditioning, there are the notions of movement , porosity with the environment and its materials, and constant exchanges. "As a living organ, it captures foreign matter, ingests it and transforms it into new food."

The daily programming of the Ninth School feeds from, but also testifies to this need for movement, whether through radio programs, games, film screenings, photography exhibitions, or parties. Long live the Ninth School!

The ritual

Every day of the Quadrennial at 6:00pm, the Ninth School meets in the pavilion truck to reflect on the day and decide the next day's program. Each member of the school explores, through his own proposals, alone or with others, the question marks of this mobile school project and shares his research. The program of the following day is then written in white chalk on the blackboard.

Ariane and Lucie's radio chronicles "Wandering Sounds - Fragments of a Day"

Installed in the brain part of the truck, Ariane and Lucie anchor a radio show that is broadcasted live in the "intestine part of the truck. A bilingual sound exploration of the Quadrennial day-to-day, punctuated with interviews, poetry and music.

Camille's photomontages

Camille questions the learning spaces and imagines the truck of the Ninth School wherever visitors wish to see it. Armed with her computer, she keeps on photomonting in black-and-white to meet the most extravagant demands. She printed the photographs with the on board printer and showed her images in the truck.

To read more, here it is: second part and third part